
Two New Online Courses Starting End of September 2021!!!! “Bru Fest” and “A Gathering of SFBJ”

Welcome! News Flash!!!!

My next two online “Live” courses start Monday, September 27th and Wednesday, September 29th, 2021!!! The first course ” Bru Fest” starting Monday, September 27th features one of my all time favorite antique reproductions, the Bru! What can I say I love BRUS!!!! This course builds on top of the very first course I offered.  In this ten to twelve week course I will be demonstrating to you how to paint the Bru 4, 5, 6, 8, 11,and 13 from start to finish. I will most likely also include the little 8″ Bru Jne 6. 

The second course  starts on Wednesday September 29th, 2021. This will be “A Gathering of SFBJ” and features many of the endearing childlike faces of SFBJ. These will include numbers 238, 247, 251, 252, and 301 Rosette, Bleuette’s Older Sister. You can also learn some of the history of the SFBJ company history.  

The online courses are done through private Facebook groups. (You must have a Facebook account to participate at this time. I am planning on eventually putting my courses on another platform to eliminate the need for Facebook but these particular courses will still be on Facebook. Once registering for the courses please message me with your Facebook name so I can send you a friend request if we are not currently friends. We must be friends in order for me to invite you into a private group. Please note new email address!!!!   

First let me clarify, you do not  NEED to be present for the “Live” classes on Mondays and Wednesday nights at 7:30 PM Central Time. All classes are recorded and the videos are available for viewing at any time in the group that is convenient for you watch.  I have had many students worldwide through the years that the time for class does not work out conveniently for them so they have never attended a “Live” class. The classes are available to you through the private group on Facebook indefinitely as long as you remain in the group. 

The cost for the NEW Courses is $50.00 each. This is an exceptional value, for being able to learn the steps to porcelain doll-making from the comfort of your own home, at your own pace. Once purchasing the course you have lifetime access to all the classes, videos, photos, and instructions. No time restriction on taking the course. 

For complete information and to purchase these NEW Courses please follow this link:

Also included in this link is NINE past courses available for purchase.

I will also include a link to information on my accompanying CD Workbooks for the Bru, Jumeau, and In-Depth Blue Eye Painting courses. These three courses are the only ones with accompanying CD Workbooks. There is no CD Workbooks available for the any of the other courses.

Have a great dolly day!!! Hope to see you in class soon!

Dolly Hugs, Connie Zink